Meet our employees
My unsolicited application paid out
Karina Andresen is a Planner and handles e.g. production planning and customer contact.
“I did not imagine it to go so quickly, but not long after I sent an unsolicited application, I was offered a job. I only asked for a “coffee date” to tell about my skills, and the chemistry was good.
I really like the daily work at Steel Products. New things happen every day, and it never gets uniform. My colleagues are visionary and have lots of experience to draw from.”
Great to work in a company, which just wants to go ahead
Jimmi Astrup is Project Manager, Technical Department, attached to specific departments and handles e.g. projects and implementation of automated quality control.
”My work is very much about making colleagues succeed with complicated projects. I will never grow tired of that. Especially finding solutions to new challenges every day – challenges I haven’t necessarily met before. It is immensely motivating to work in the interface of people and technique. Not two days are alike, and I have the possibility to make results to be proud of.
My department has great confidence and Steel Products is a company really going forward. However, in my job I must risk making mistakes, without having the feeling of failure. Sometimes the pressure is great, and you do not always get all things done that day. So, it is important that the management has our backs and supports us in our daily job.”
I can help create my own job
Dorte Colmorn is a bookkeeper and handles e.g. the salaries and other bookkeeping tasks.
”I see Steel Products as a workplace with much personality: We have a strong progress and ambitious visions regarding the marked development. On one hand the company is big enough to have many possibilities – without the heavy layers of you might see in bigger organisations. That means that I can help create my own job and pitch ideas directly to the management. You get influence by contributing and being open to what you meet on the way. We are really good colleagues here at Steel Products. We work very well together across departments and we succeed through compromising.”
Together we are better
Nikethan Nagarathnam is Team Coordinator and handles e.g. the cleaning flow.
“If I should highlight one thing I really like about my work, it is knowing the processes. Because then I can optimise and make improvement suggestions, which make a difference. It is a good feeling to be able to deliver an even better product to the customer – and making our everyday work more optimal at the same time. Of course, there will be hurdles on the way. But we all know, that the cooperation in the team is important to continuously improve ourselves.”
Steel Products Aage Østergaard is my factory
Benny Jensen is Project Manager and handles e.g. maturing of new customer Projects.
“I actually feel that Steel Products Aage Østergaard is “my” factory. I stated in 1978 sweeping floors and began my apprenticeship in the “development” department in Dagnæs, where I qualified as a Toolmaker. Before I became a Project Manager, I have also been a Production Manager and supervisor of the tooling department – so I know the company really well.
The most exciting in my job is to see a project develop from idea to finished product together with my colleagues. Also, the contact with both new and old customers I find exciting. To talk to the people behind and together find the solution to their/our challenges. I also appreciate the cheerful tone we have here. Everybody can make a suggestion and be heard.”
Me and my machine
Jan Lund Jensen is an Operator and knows many “tricks of the trade” at Steel Products.
“I have always been able to fix things and it is an advantage to be able to do many different things in my line of work. E.g. I have made 90 % of programmes for this machine, which I also piloted.
One of the best things in my work is to explore “my” machine, when a new project is tested. It is always exciting and even after 10 years there are still things I do not know about my machine – but I will find out!”